PAECILOMYCES is a biological insecticide based on a selective strain of naturally- occurring entomopathogenic fungus Peacilomyces lilacinus. The product contains spores and mycelial fragments of P. lilacinus.
Mode of Action
The spore of the fungus act by infecting parasitizing and killing eggs, juveniles and young adults of most phytophagous nematode species. When the spore of Peacilomyces in contact with different stages of the nematodes they germinates and grow and proliferate through the nematodes eventually paralyzing the nematode leading to the death of the nematode.
Method of Application
Soil Application: Mix Peacilomyces 10 liters or 12 kg. / ha to be mixed with organic fertilizer / well decomposed organic manure / field soil / any locally available agriculturally usable organic carrier and applied around the rhizosphere uniformly for existing crops in the field. The Peacilomyces can be incorporated into the soil either mechanically or through profuse watering the field. It can be incorporated in the fields as a pre-plant treatment, or at planting and emergence stage, or immediately after transplanting.
Drip System: Mix Peacilomyces 10 liters or 12 kg/ hectare is to be mixed in 1000 liters of water and filter the contents well to separate out extraneous particle if any. After filtering with appropriate filters it can be incorporated into the soil though the drip irrigation system during the pre or post planting stage.
The frequency of applications also depends on the nematodes population.
In the case of high nematode population pressure, and in perennial crops, multiple applications are recommended.
Liquid: 10 Liters/ha
Powder: 12 kg/ha

Contact Us
Peermade Marketing Co-operative Society Ltd No I
No. 1 - 240, Kumily P.O. Idukki Dist., Kerala - 685509
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